В далеком 2004-м году в одном маленьком Богом забытом городишке одна учительница по английскому языку дала одному 9му классу задание: написать и рассказать о какой-нибудь стране. И на этом история бы закончилась, если бы двум девочкам с явным переизбытком фантазии и свободного времени не пришло в голову
придумать и нарисовать свою страну.
Вот что из этого получилось:
Inside-out land
Our land is named Inside Out Land.
It is situated in the south poll of the Earth. But don’t think it is very cold here. There are Hot Gazers which work almost all the year round. Winter usually comes when Hot Gazers stop working. And nobody knows why it happens every year. It usually happens at the time of the Penguin’s migration.
Our country consists of two islands: Adult Land and Baby Island. Adult Land has a form of a boot. It is the main island with a capital on it. The capital is called the Castle of Ghosts. Some time ago it had four towers, but now only three of them are safe. The relief of the Adult Land is very different: there are lots of Folds Mountains and four round lakes without names. There's a river called Shoe-lace. It connects the lakes together. Some time ago there was also a Potato valley, but now it is called the Colorado beetles desert.
There are now only two kinds of plants: Crazy palms and Coward bushes. Crazy palm is a tree which likes it’s coco-nuts very much, but when somebody comes close to it, palm begins to shoot with it’s lovely coco-nuts screaming: “Don’t touch my lovely coco-nuts!!!” There is a whole forest of Crazy palms, but people never visit it.
The other plants are Coward bushes. They have no roots and usually travel from one place to another with the dream to find country without any dangers. In Inside Out Land you can see such kind of animals as Evil Lights. They are clever fire-flies which lightness depends on their irritation. The whole school semester is devoted to the skill to anger this animals.
Other animals are spotty zebras. They live in the Folds Mountains on the rocks. They are very wild and wicked. Some people think that they like to eat men, but it isn’t true.
The relief of Baby Island is flat. There are only school, kindergarten, Disneyland and different fee-paid shops on it.
People in Inside Out Land are the same as we are. But in their schools pupils don’t get marks and have six months of holidays in a year. In this country there are no factories, and they have no rubbish. All products are transported from other countries and all rubbish is exported to them. They use bicycles and roller-skates. People live in 1-2 floors cottages in villages.
Our country is the democratic republic. The head of the government is Mister. The symbol of Inside Out Land is a Footprint. The environment is clean and life is happy there. People in everything.
In the last project we told you about our country Inside Out Land in the whole. Now we want to tell you about people, living there. Our people are against subcultures, because we think only those, who protest against what is around them, make subcultures. They separate themselves from the whole world. But we live on the island and want to be connected with other countries. Inside Out Land is small and united, that’s why we form one group. It is called “People in everything”. We have a free style in clothes. But usually we wear bright turned inside out blouse and army boots, because we can easily travel in Folds Mountains in them. Our clothes don’t express protest but they express happiness and freedom. People shouldn’t criticize each other’s styles.
Everybody should be free, should take care of their health and environment. In our group you can choose any faith you want. Everyone live in peace. Nobody drinks alcohol, smokes and takes drugs.
We have no problems in our country. So, we think about problems of other countries. We help people, which have suffered of nature disasters. “People in everything” participate in Green Peace organization, and we solve problems of pollution of the environment.
There is a lot of misunderstanding in the world nowadays. We are ready to support, protect people, who are misunderstood, and their views. But we are against violence and cruelty. In our country there is no violence at all, because all our aggression is used to irritated evil lights to bring light to Inside Out Land.
We hope at least a part of our program will become true.
К сожалению, рисунки и карты этой страны были утеряны, но человек, сохранивший живое воображением и некоторую детскость ума, сможет представить себе это чудесное место и его обитателей.
about me,