Ужасно, безумно хочу полароид! Но вот вселенская несправедливость - сам фотоаппарат стоит 700 рублей, а кассета - 1,5 тысячи! И это при том, что одна кассета = 10 снимков!!
Да, вы, без сомнения, самая настоящая "city-girl". Безграничное количество возможностей, бешеный ритм жизни, шум, суета, деньги, работа, развлечения – всего помногу и одновременно. Это ваша норма, вы вряд ли выживете в тихом, спокойном и размеренном режиме, каким бы благополучным и хорошим он ни был. Даже стрессы для вас – не более чем возможность увеличить выброс в кровь адреналина.
Вопрос, где бы я хотела жить - в городе или деревне, каждый раз ставит меня в тупик. Мне в равной степени нравятся толпы людей, развлечения, суета и шум мегаполиса, и - тишина, узкие мощеные улочки, маленькие домики, утопающие в зелени садов. Раньше я думала, что эти вещи не совместимы, раньше.
Вы оставляете здесь комментарий, я называю вам две цифры, вы заходите в папку, где у вас хранятся картинки, можно фотографии, отсчитываете папку (первая цифра) и картинку в этой папке (вторая цифра), постите у себя эту картинку и флешмоб.
Do you still remember how it used to be Feeling together Believe in whatever My love has said to me Both of us were dreamers Young love in the sun Felt like my saviour My spirit I gave you We'd only just begun
Hasta Manana Always be mine
Viva Forever I'll be waiting Everlasting Like the sun Live Forever for the moment Ever searching for the one
Yes I still remember Every whispered word The touch of your skin, giving life from within Like a love song that I've heard Slipping through our fingers, Like the sands of time Promises made, every memory saved Has reflections in my mind
Hasta Manana, always be mine
Viva Forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, Like the sun Live Forever, For the moment Ever searching, for the one
But we're all alone now, Was it just a dream Feelings untold, They will never be sold And the secrets safe with me
Hasta Manana, always be mine
Viva Forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting, Like the sun Live Forever, For the moment Ever searching, for the one
lyrics Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me Do it in my van every Sunday. She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know!
Oh Scotty doesn't know! So Don't Tell Scotty! Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know! So Don't Tell Scotty!
Fiona says she's out shopping, But she's under me and I'm not stopping...
Because Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know! (X3) So don't tell Scotty! Scotty doesn't know!
Don't tell Scotty!
I can't believe he's so trusting, While I'm right behind you thrusting. Fiona's got him on the phone, And she's trying not to moan. It's a three-way call and he knows nothing!
Scotty doesn't know!(X3) So don't tell Scotty! Scotty doesn't know!(X3)
We'll put on a show! Everyone will go! Scotty doesn't know!(x3)
The parkin lot Why not? It's so cool when you're on top! His front lawn in the snow Life is so hard because Scotty doesn't know!