
Melodie du vent
Проблемы у людей возникают в основном от фантазии. Если бы у вас не было фантазии, у вас не было б проблем, потому что вы бы принимали жизнь такой, какая она есть.
Но тогда бы у вас не возникало бы и романтической влюбленности, потому что романтическая влюбленность — это когда вы нашли свою мечту воплощенной в том, кто и рядом с ней не стоял.

Энди Уорхол

Melodie du vent

@темы: юмор


Melodie du vent
If you see me, don't touch. If you touch me, don't kiss. If you kiss me, don't fuck. If you fuck me, don't stop! (c)


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Melodie du vent
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Melodie du vent
- The Door is everything! All that once was and all that will be! The Door controls time and space! Love and death! The Door can see into your mind!! The Door can see into your soul!!!
- Erm. Really? The Door can do all that?
- Haha. No.

Charlie The Unicorn.


Melodie du vent
Все, что есть хорошего в жизни, либо незаконно, либо аморально, либо ведет к ожирению. (с)


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Melodie du vent
"Иногда мне кажется, что я люблю тебя... потом я открываю глаза.. нет, опять не тебя". (с)

@темы: любовь


Melodie du vent
The front door was not locked. Coraline walked out into the dawn and down the stone steps. She sat down on the bottom step. It was cold.

Something furry pushed itself against her side in one smooth, insinuating motion. Coraline jumped, then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw what it was.

"Oh. It's you," she said to the black cat.

"See?" said the cat. "It wasn't so hard recognising me, was it? Even without names."

"Well, what if I wanted to call you?"

The cat wrinkled its nose and managed to look unimpressed. "Calling cats," it confided, "tends to be a rather overrated activity. Might as well call a whirlwind."

"What if it was dinnertime?" asked Coraline. "Wouldn't you want to be called then?"

"Of course," said the cat. "But a simple cry of 'dinner!' would do nicely. See? No need for names."

Neil Gaiman, "Coraline"


Melodie du vent
А вам часто снятся сны? Сны про кинозвезд или певцов? А если они совсем не романтического, и даже не эротического, содержания? С лошадью на балконе, соревнованиями по бегу на коньках вокруг вашей школы и микса из однокурсников и выпивки в метро?..

@темы: сны


Melodie du vent
Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day

my best friend gave me the best advice
he said each day's a gift & not a given right
leave no stone unturned
leave your fears behind
& try to take the path less travelled by
that first step you take is the longest stride

if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
if today was your last day

against the grain should be a way of life
what's worth the price is always worth the fight
every second counts 'cause
there's no second try
so live like you're never livin twice
don't take the free ride in your own life

if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day

if today was your last day
would you make it up by mending a broken heart
you know it's never too late
to shoot for the stars
regardless of who you are
so do whatever it takes
'cause you can't rewind
a moment in this life
let nothing stand in your way
cause the hands of time are never on your side

if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day

@музыка: Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day


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Melodie du vent
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